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Sany Nordic osaleb HEMA 2022 rasketehnika messil

Esitleme uhkusega maailma ühe suurema rasketehnikatootja SANY kaubamärgi eksavaatoreid, mille 5 aastane täisgarantii pakub kindlust igale kasutajale.

Meie messialal on võimalik uudistada ja testida alljärgnevaid tooteid:



SY75C  -koos BISON230 võsagiljotiiniga

SY80U - koos Steelwrist Rototilt X12-ga

SY135C -forest edition koos BISON 300 võsagiljotiiniga



Samuti on olemas DEMO ala kus on võimalik SY80U, SY155U ja SY215C-ga mullahunnikuid lammutada. 

Pssst! Messi ajal kehtivad kõikidele eksponeeritud mudelitele eriti magusad ja eksklusiivsed hinnad. Tule ja veendu selles ise!


Toimumiskoht: Saue vallas, uuel Hipodroomil:

Neljapäeval: 15.09.2022, kell 10.00-17.00
Reedel: 16.09.2022, kell 10.00-17.00
Messile on sissepääs tasuta, vajalik on veebis registreerimine.
Konverentsile on sissepääs tasuline, vajalik on veebis registreerimine.


Konverentsi töökeel on inglise keel.
Moderator: Erkki Kaisla / Eesti Energia, Project Manager of Material Handling

THURSDAY 15.09.2022

10.00 - Access to the fair area is opened
10.30 - Registration & coffee
11.00 - HEMA 2022 conference opening
11.15 - Welcome speech
11.30 - A green and secure Europe, the EU Green Deal in a (new) geopolitical situation - Dirk Fincke / European Aggregates Industry (UEPG), CEO
12.00 - Soil Stabilization Highway Rebuild Application Cold in Place Technology, Latest Developments - Mike Marshall / Product Manager Recycling, Wirtgen GmbH Germany
12.30 - Construction equipment market and trends Alexandre Marchetta / CECE (Committee for European Construction Equipment), President
13.00 - Lunch
14.00 - Change is Here, Industry in Transformation Fredrik Tjernström / Volvo Construction Equipment AB, Electromobility Manager
14.30 - Mining technology. Mining sustainability and electrification Cesar Virseda / Caterpillar Global Mining – Sales, Services and Technology Division
15.00 - Mining risks and safety - Lauri Kütt / Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority, Chief Specialist (mining)
15.30 - Key Success Factors when Implementing Mining Technology Elen Toodu / Sandvik, Digital Mining Technologies
16.00 - End of the conference day
16.30 - Eesti Mäeselts Board election Tennobert Haabu / EMS
19.30 - Beginning of the Gala-Dinner at Original Hotel Sokos Viru restaurant Merineitsi

FRIDAY 16.09.2022

10.00 - Access to the fair area is opened
10.30 - Registration & coffee
11.00 - Using hydrogen in IC engines Allan Niidu, Tallinn University of Technologies
12.00 - Smart Attachments on heavy machines Harri Mosona, Truckmaint OÜ
13.00 - Lunch
14.00 - Self driving military equipment - Janek Press / Milrem AS, Senior software engineer
14.30 - Tyres and undercarriage trends Koenraad Vandermeersch / BKT, Technical Services Consultant
15.00 - Drones used to guide construction and quarry equipment Rosen Petkov / Wingtra AG, Sales Manager Eastern Europe
15.30 - End of the conference

Copyright © Sany Nordic 
Kodulehe looja:


Paldiski maantee 245c
13525 Tallinn Harjumaa

+372 50 15 601
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